Auxiliary Services
School Doctor
The school is in the very fortunate position that a medical doctor volunteers her services bi-weekly to the school. She attends to all medical and medication needs of our learners.
School Nurse
The school has the services of a full time Nursing Sister on our establishment. She sees to the day to day medical and medication needs of our learners.
Class Assistants
Most classes have the services of highly trained and experienced Class Assistants. The assistants support the learners in the acquisition of self help skills. They also assist the teacher with various class and education activities and accompany learners on excursions and on the buses to and from home.
The school has a fleet of seven buses buses used for the transport of some learners to and from school on a daily basis. Bus routes have strict pick-up/drop-off points. Learners are transported to and from school on a daily basis. The buses are also used to take learners on excursions.
Student Training
Student educators as well as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy students from local universities presently use the facilities for training and research.
International Students
Students from various overseas countries volunteer their services on a regular basis.