Our Vision
To be a Professional Knowledge Center for the high educational and therapeutic support needs of learners with Severe Intellectual Impairment to access the Curriculum.
Our Mission
- To develop the full potential of each child through Individual Development Plans;
- To provide excellent teaching and therapies;
- To have total parent-educator-therapist co-operation;
- To develop the knowledge and skills of all staff through training and knowledge sharing, and
- To share our knowledge and resources with others who have a need.
The school was established in 1985 as the result of the amalgamation of Sunnyday Centre and the Marah Training Centre and moved to its present Lansdowne premises on the 8th March 1991. Although originally built to accommodate 150 learners, the school now has more than 230.
Our Emblem
Our emblem depicts our origin – The white dove is the emblem of the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association who established Sunnyday Centre for learners with cerebral palsy and severe intellectual disabilities. The palm tree at an oasis is the emblem of the Oasis Association for persons with an intellectually disability who established Marah Training Centre.
Bel Porto School admits Children with Severe Intellectual Impairments with or without physically challenges. Referral of children currently in the public school system only takes place through the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) through their regional Education Management and Development Centres (EMDCs) and the Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS) process. Other referral agents are medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, speech-, physio- and occupational therapists, clinics and other special schools. The child and his/her parents are interviewed by a trans-professional team of specialists. After the interview, the team decides on a two-week observation period of the child. If benefit from our specialized educational and therapeutic programmes is indicated after the observation period, every effort is made to enroll him/her as a learner in the school. Admission is also subject to space available.